Farmer holding a handful of chicken feed, feeding a white hen

Social Responsibility in Farming

Rosemary Farm follows strict animal care and food safety guidelines, gives back to our communities and is a sustainability leader.

What is sustainability in the egg industry?

Sustainability is primarily about acting in a way that ensures long-term viability for our farm operations. Every day, each choice we make defines our footprint – from how we care for our hens to how we are involved with our community and to how we treat the land.

Sustainability is nothing new to the egg industry, but through generations of farming, we have been able to enhance our practices through innovations. Advancements in hen housing as well as efficiencies in feed, water and manure management have allowed us to significantly reduce our environmental footprint. Everything we do, from choosing a blend of nutrients to feed our hens to designing barns to house them, is centered on creating healthy, safe food for you and your family.

These graphics via American Egg Board detail just how much our environmental footprint has reduced overtime. Rosemary Farm is proud to put social responsibility as a top priority and will continue to find ways to enhance the well-being of our hens, the production and quality of our eggs and how we give back to our communities and care for the environment.

Infographic about the egg farmers that reduce environmental impact. Full text added below the image.

Egg Farmers Reduce Environmental Impact

Today's hens are producing more eggs and living longer due to better health, nutrition and living environments; yet at the same time eggs farms use fewer resources and produce less waste.

Over 72% increase in the U.S. population over the last 50 years.

Egg production efficiencies developed over 50 years enable farms to increase productivity

  • 27% more eggs per day
  • 18% more hens

All while reducing environmental impact

  • 25% less daily feed
  • 32% less water
  • 71% fewer greenhouse gas emissions

Improving Feed

Today's hens use a little over half the amount of feed to produce a dozen eggs

Using 1960 technology to produce today's supply of 77.8 billion eggs would have required 78 million more hens, 1.3 million more acres of corn, and 1.8 million more acres of soybeans.

Saving Water

Compared to 1960, today's hens use 32% less water to produce a dozen eggs

The volume of water conserved would fill 3,716 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Reducing Emissions

2010 egg production has 71% lower greenhouse gas emissions than in 1960

The amount of CO2 reduced is equivalent to taking 5.2 million cars off the road for a year

Brought to you by America's Egg Farmers.

Looking for a more detailed timeline of how egg production as evolved? Check it out via the American Egg Board

View Our Delicious Recipes

Cook up some crowd-pleasers with these delicious recipes from Rosemary Farm.